For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve...
Mark 10:45
Here at Sisco Heights Community Church we all serve together to meet the needs of the Church and the community as we are able. We recognize that Jesus never called anyone to come be a "volunteer" of the Kingdom, He looked for those willing to follow Him and be the "servant" of others. Along those lines we call people to use their gifts and time to serve one another with love. Whether that is teaching the littlest in the Kingdom about God's love in the Nursery - Little Bug's Club; serving as a teacher or assistant in our KidZone Children's Church or the myriad of opportunities with classes, special events, Sunday morning services, you are invited to used your gifts and abilities to serve alongside us.

Servant Leaders
Interim Youth Pastor Rob Wagy & Team
The Youth Alive Team welcome your partnership in serving the Youth Alive ministry and the various Youth discipleship groups and events that are part of this vital ministry.
Kelsie & Rob Peterson
Kelsie is our new Children's Ministry Director. She would love to discuss how you can serve in our Nursery, Children's Church, Royal Rangers, Missionettes, Vacation Bible Adventure, Trunk or Treat and other ministry opportunities with our future church leaders.
Serve in our church
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
From the moment a new person crosses our parking lot, we desire to meet and invite them into our fellowship. Our servants range from parking attendants, to ushers & greeters, to bible study leaders and assistants. We also serve at special events, BBQs, Vacation Bible School Adventures, and a myriad of opportunities to show the love of Christ to all who join us.
Seek to serve? Join us.
Seek to serve? Join us.
Servant Opportunity FAQ
How do I serve?
Make contact on a Sunday morning with Pastor Dan or Jan, or let a deacon know you'd like to know more about servant opportunities. We will point you in the right direction, supply application and expectations forms and connect you with a ministry to serve.
How do I serve with kids?
Children's Director Kelsie Peterson would love to provide you application and expectations forms, run a back ground check and discuss where you 'd like to serve and how much time you have to offer.
How do I serve with music?
Our Worship Director Kurt Keck would love to talk with you about your desire to be a part of the worship team. Your voice gifts and instrumental gifts may be the perfect compliment for the various worship teams Kurt is developing.
How do I serve with Youth Alive?
Interim Youth Pastor Rob Wagy looks forward to speaking with you about the needs of servants in the Youth Alive ministries.. After your discussion he will provide you with application forms, a background check form and discuss where you 'd like to serve and how much time you have to offer.